Edit n Place Plugin for WordPress Headzoo: Edit n Place is a free WordPress plugin that lets you edit your post inline; meaning you can edit a post without going in to the WordPress admin panel. Detailed Description Have you ever published a post and then noticed when reading your blog that you made a typo, or misspelled a word? It’s… Read More
Dict lookup Dict lookup: Dict lookup This MS IE 4+ add-on lets you easily look up words using the dict.org server. Just highlight the word, right click, and chose dict. A new window will open with the dict.org page and the word’s available definitions. Installation Download the archive (36KB), extract to a directory then run dict-install.bat. You… Read More
Google Office: A Failure Compared to Microsoft Office CoolTechZone.com – Google Office: A Failure Compared to Microsoft Office: (Column) – After much speculation, Google has lastly released an online word processor, and assuming Google continues to dominate in the near future, I suspect an online version of Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel and Publisher is on the horizon. While Google’s attempt to dominate its presence… Read More
Enterprise .NET Community: Build a Data Access Layer with the Visual Studio 2005 DataSet Designer: ASP.NET.4GuysFromRolla.com: Custom Paging in ASP.NET 2.0 with SQL Server 2005: SELECT RowNum, EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName FROM (SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY EmployeeID) as RowNum FROM Employees e ) as EmployeeInfo… Read More
Enterprise .NET Community: Build a Data Access Layer with the Visual Studio 2005 DataSet Designer: Enterprise .NET Community: Build a Data Access Layer with the Visual Studio 2005 DataSet Designer:… Read More
ASP.NET RSS Toolkit dmitryr’s blog : ASP.NET RSS Toolkit: Please check out ASP.NET RSS Toolkit, one of my latest projects. The RSS toolkit includes support for consuming as well as publishing RSS feeds in ASP.NET applications. Features include: RSS Data Source control to consume feeds in ASP.NET applications Works with ASP.NET data bound controls Implements schema to generate… Read More