博客园 – YAO.NET℡ – Ajax初体验(一): script type=“text/javascript“ defer=“defer“> test.test.onLoading = function(b) { var l = document.getElementById(“loadinfo“); l.style.visibility = b ? “visible“ : “hidden“; } function doTest2() { test.test.getData(document.getElementById(“txtInput“).value, doTest2_callback); } function doTest2_callback(res) { var p = res.value; var layer1 = document.getElementById(“Layer1“); layer1.style.visibility = (p == “”) ? “hidden“ : “visible“; document.getElementById(“Layer1“).innerHTML = p; } script>… Read More

CFAjax = Coldfusion + AJAX: What is AJAX? Asynchronous JavaScript + XML. It’s a whole new way of looking at the web where HTML page makes asynchronous calls to the server using JavaScript and loads the data in bits and pieces as needed read more… What is CFAjax? CFAjax is the AJAX implementation for coldfusion.… Read More

http://reciteword.cosoft.org.cn/yaoguang/showarticle.php?category=myarticle&&docpage=0&&newsid=24 星际译王(StarDict)的2.4.6版新增加了Windows下屏幕取词的功能。在开发这个功能时参考了Mueller Electronic Dicionary(一个用Delphi编的词典软件)的源代码,以及网上的文档。开发语言是C,用Dev-cpp编译。 这个功能现在还不太完善,目前有以下问题: 1. 在Win2k系统下,对桌面上的英文取词时为乱码。Windows XP则没有问题。 2. 在标题栏,开始菜单及IE, FireFox, Opear等软件上取词时,获取的Y坐标值不正确。见源码包里的src/win32/TextOutHook.c的IsInsidePointW()里的注释。 3. cmd.exe(命令提示符)无法取词。见源码包里的src/win32/GetWord.c的RemoteExecute()里的注释。 4. Adobe Reader无法取词。可能要像金山词霸那样编个Adobe Reader的插件。 希望高手能帮忙解决。 现在把完整源代码贴到这里: TextOutSpy.c ============================= #include “TextOutSpy.h” #include “ThTypes.h” const int MOUSEOVER_INTERVAL = 300; const int WM_MY_SHOW_TRANSLATION = WM_USER + 300; HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; HANDLE hSynhroMutex = 0; HINSTANCE hGetWordLib = 0; typedef void (*GetWordProc_t)(TCurrentMode *); GetWordProc_t… Read More

http://forums.asp.net/1064112/ShowPost.aspx Hi, behaviors are Atlas components that allows to dynamically add/remove client-side functionality from controls. For example, if I want to handle click and keypress events, I could attach the corresponding behaviors to an Atlas control. Then, if I don’t want to handle the click event anymore for that control, all I have to do… Read More