Google Office: A Failure Compared to Microsoft Office – Google Office: A Failure Compared to Microsoft Office: (Column) – After much speculation, Google has lastly released an online word processor, and assuming Google continues to dominate in the near future, I suspect an online version of Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel and Publisher is on the horizon. While Google’s attempt to dominate its presence… Read More
星际译王(StarDict)的2.4.6版新增加了Windows下屏幕取词的功能 星际译王(StarDict)的2.4.6版新增加了Windows下屏幕取词的功能。在开发这个功能时参考了Mueller Electronic Dicionary(一个用Delphi编的词典软件)的源代码,以及网上的文档。开发语言是C,用Dev-cpp编译。 这个功能现在还不太完善,目前有以下问题: 1. 在Win2k系统下,对桌面上的英文取词时为乱码。Windows XP则没有问题。 2. 在标题栏,开始菜单及IE, FireFox, Opear等软件上取词时,获取的Y坐标值不正确。见源码包里的src/win32/TextOutHook.c的IsInsidePointW()里的注释。 3. cmd.exe(命令提示符)无法取词。见源码包里的src/win32/GetWord.c的RemoteExecute()里的注释。 4. Adobe Reader无法取词。可能要像金山词霸那样编个Adobe Reader的插件。 希望高手能帮忙解决。 现在把完整源代码贴到这里: TextOutSpy.c ============================= #include “TextOutSpy.h” #include “ThTypes.h” const int MOUSEOVER_INTERVAL = 300; const int WM_MY_SHOW_TRANSLATION = WM_USER + 300; HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; HANDLE hSynhroMutex = 0; HINSTANCE hGetWordLib = 0; typedef void (*GetWordProc_t)(TCurrentMode *); GetWordProc_t… Read More
Client-side DataSets with Ajax.NET Pro Everybody loves .NET’s DataSets. They provide the most simple yet powerful way to manipulate in-memory tables and data collections on the server-side. Good news for hardcore AJAX web developers: using Michael Schwarz’s amazing Ajax.NET Professional library we can unleash the power of server-side DataSets to the client-side using Javascript. Not only that, but we… Read More
新年の写真 2005.12.31 友達の家で新年を迎えていました。 メール送る場所 [GPS情報URL]… Read More