Left or Inner Join and condition at subquery 你的查询目标是从 shipment 表中获取与 distance 表关联的数据,并筛选出里程数超过 3000 的记录,同时按 shipment_id 排序。这是一个典型的查询场景,可以通过以下方式改进性能或提高可读性: 原查询 SELECT *FROM shipmentLEFT JOIN distanceON (shipment.origin = distance.origin)AND (shipment.destination = distance.destination)WHERE distance.miles > 3000ORDER BY shipment_id; 方法 1:使用 INNER JOIN SELECT shipment.*, distance.milesFROM shipmentINNER JOIN distanceON shipment.origin = distance.originAND shipment.destination = distance.destinationWHERE distance.miles > 3000ORDER BY shipment.shipment_id; 适用场景: 数据量适中,无需提前过滤 distance 表。 只需简单的等值连接即可满足需求。 方法 2:将筛选条件提前(推荐) SELECT… Read More
SQL 条件 in 的优化 原查询 SELECT DISTINCT(class)FROM shipWHERE manufacturer_id IN (SELECT manufacturer_idFROM manufacturerWHERE state = ‘CA’); 改进方法 方法 1:使用 JOIN 提高可读性 通过 JOIN 重写查询,可以让逻辑更清晰: SELECT DISTINCT(ship.class)FROM shipJOIN manufacturerON ship.manufacturer_id = manufacturer.manufacturer_idWHERE manufacturer.state = ‘CA’; 优点: JOIN 的写法更直观,特别是当数据表之间关系明确时。 一些数据库管理系统(如 MySQL)对 JOIN 的性能优化可能优于子查询。 方法 2:避免 DISTINCT(如果可能) 如果确定每个 manufacturer_id 对应唯一的 class,可以省略 DISTINCT,提高查询效率: SELECT ship.classFROM shipJOIN manufacturerON ship.manufacturer_id = manufacturer.manufacturer_idWHERE manufacturer.state = ‘CA’;… Read More
Microsoft Access Performance Tips to Speed up Your Access Databases Over 100 Tips for Faster Microsoft Access Databases This paper outlines specific performance tips you can use to improve the speed of your Microsoft Access applications. These tips apply to all versions of Access including Access 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, and 97. Some of the tips may contradict each other but they… Read More
How to shut down a custom Access application remotely Summary Sometimes, you may have to perform maintenance tasks on a Microsoft Access database, such as compacting or repairing, making backup copies, or making design modifications. Many of these operations require that all users exit the database. However, there is no built in way to force users to quit Microsoft Access. And it is not… Read More
7 Ways To Do Sequential Numbering in Microsoft Access Occasionally we come across project requirements that include the ability to do sequential numbering in Access on a set of data. We cannot just use the auto-number data type because there is no promise of sequentiality but only uniqueness. In other words, if someone creates a record then later deletes it, there will be a… Read More
Difference Between “Unique Values” (SELECT DISTINCT) and “Unique Records” (SELECT DISTINCTROW) in Microsoft Access Queries Distinct and Distinctrow… Read More
ACID(Atomicity,Consitency,Isolation and Durability) SQL SERVER – ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)… Read More
Access combo box Set unique column but show other column and save other column Combo box : control souce -> unique column, but set first column to the column you want to show(Other Column) Other column: set hide control and set the value when combo box change… Read More
Points to Ponder from Beginning SQL Joes 2 ProsVolume 1 (ISBN: 1-4392-5317-X) (Joes2Pros.com) 1. A query is written in the SQL language and is a request for information from data in a database.2. Microsoft SQL Server uses the Transact Structured Query Language (T-SQL)3. The percent % symbol is the most common wildcard. This symbol represents any number of characters. For example,WHERE Firstname like ‘%N’ would find a name… Read More