Over 100 Tips for Faster Microsoft Access Databases This paper outlines specific performance tips you can use to improve the speed of your Microsoft Access applications. These tips apply to all versions of Access including Access 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, and 97. Some of the tips may contradict each other but they… Read More

Summary Sometimes, you may have to perform maintenance tasks on a Microsoft Access database, such as compacting or repairing, making backup copies, or making design modifications. Many of these operations require that all users exit the database. However, there is no built in way to force users to quit Microsoft Access. And it is not… Read More

Occasionally we come across project requirements that include the ability to do sequential numbering in Access on a set of data. We cannot just use the auto-number data type because there is no promise of sequentiality but only uniqueness. In other words, if someone creates a record then later deletes it, there will be a… Read More

One of the most peculiar aspects of Visual Basic for Applications in the ! operator, called the “bang”. There’s a lot of confusion about the bang operator, and nowhere have I seen the correct whole story about it. So, I present it here! The bang is particularly common in code for Microsoft Access, where you may see… Read More

Table: id score 1 56 2 91 3 67 4 54 5 56 6 69 7 61 8 83 9 99 Subject_table MS Access MySQL SELECT (case when score < 60 then "less 60" when score < 80 then "60 - 80" when score < 100 then "80-100" else "other" end) as score_type,count(id) as stu_cnt… Read More