Super AJAX Programming Seed v.1.0: AJAX is all the rage these days, and for a good reason. With AJAX, you can create web applications with nearly the same functionality as your desktop programs. Super AJAX Programming Seed is a tight script that illustrates a simple use of AJAX technology using PHP, JavaScript and HTML. Super… Read More

博客园 – YAO.NET℡ – Ajax初体验(一): script type=“text/javascript“ defer=“defer“> test.test.onLoading = function(b) { var l = document.getElementById(“loadinfo“); = b ? “visible“ : “hidden“; } function doTest2() { test.test.getData(document.getElementById(“txtInput“).value, doTest2_callback); } function doTest2_callback(res) { var p = res.value; var layer1 = document.getElementById(“Layer1“); = (p == “”) ? “hidden“ : “visible“; document.getElementById(“Layer1“).innerHTML = p; } script>… Read More

CFAjax = Coldfusion + AJAX: What is AJAX? Asynchronous JavaScript + XML. It’s a whole new way of looking at the web where HTML page makes asynchronous calls to the server using JavaScript and loads the data in bits and pieces as needed read more… What is CFAjax? CFAjax is the AJAX implementation for coldfusion.… Read More