30/03/2006 | jiangws2002 http://devel.oping.net/content/all-net-languages-list.aspx Surely you use C# and VB.NET. Probably sometimes even J#. But did you know that there are dozens more languages? Cobol, Python, Pascal, PHP syntax and even LISP are avaliable for the .NET Framework. The following from dotnetpowered.com is an up-to-date list of these languages: Ada A# – port of Ada to .NET (Dr. Martin C. Carlisle) APL Dyalog APL (Dyalog Ltd) AsmL Abstract State Machine Language (MS Research) Basic Visual Basic.NET (Microsoft) mbas (Mono/Ximian) bmcs( Jambunathan) BETA BETA.Net (University of Aarhus, Denmark) BF BF.NET (Simon Howard) C lcc (ANSI C Compiler from Princeton) cscc (ANSI C Compiler from Portable.NET) C# C# (Microsoft) mcs (Mono/Ximian) cscc (DotGNU Portable.NET) C# Variants CSI (A Simple C# Interpreter by Steve Donovan) C? ~ comega (Microsoft Research) eXtensible C# (Language Extension from ResolveCorp) MC# Master of Ceremonies # – (Yury P. Serdyuk, Vadim B.Guzev) Metaphor (Gregory Neverov @ Queensland University of Technology) paxScript (VIRT Laboratory) Polymorphic C# (Microsoft Research) Spec# (Microsoft Research) C++ Managed Extensions for C++ (Microsoft) Caml F# (ML and Caml), Abstract IL, ILX (Microsoft Research) OCAMIL (Emmanuel Chailloux & Raphael.Montelatici) Cobol NetCOBOL – COBOL for .NET (Fujitsu) NeoKicks (Fujitsu) Net Express (Micro Focus) KICKS for .NET™ (Intensity Software) Eiffel Eiffel ENViSioN! (Eiffel Software) Forth Delta Forth .NET (Valer BOCAN) Fortran Lahey/Fujitsu Fortran for .NET (Lahey Computer Systems, Inc.) FTN95 – Fortran for Microsoft .NET (Salford Software Ltd.) G# G# (Ernest Booth) Haskell Hugs98 for .NET Haskell for .NET (using Mondrain for .NET) (Nigel Perry) Haskell.net Project IL/MSIL (Intermediate Language) MSIL (Microsoft ) ilasm (IL Assembler from Microsoft ) Mono Assembler (Mono/Ximian) Portable.NET Assembler (dotGNU) Java Visual J# .NET (Microsoft) IKVM.NET – Java VM for .NET (Jeroen Frijters) JavaScript JScript .NET (GotDotNet) JANET – JavaScript-compatible language DotGnu JScript (dotGNU) Lexico Lexico (Spanish) LISP clisp (Microsoft) DotLisp (Rich Hickey) L# (L Sharp .NET) – LISP-based script language (Rob Blackwell) FOIL – (Rich Hickey and Eric Thorsen) RDNZL – .NET Layer for Common Lisp (Edi Weitz) LOGO MonoLOGO (Richard Hestilow) TurtleTracks.net Logo (University of Patras) Lua Lua.NET: Integrating Lua with Rotor (PUC-RIO) Mercury Mercury on .NET Mixal Assembly Language MixNet (SourceForge) Mondrian Mondrian for .NET (Nigel Perry) Oberon Active Oberon for .NET (ETH Zuerich) Nemerle Nermerle (The University of Wroclaw) Pan Pan# (Computer Languages for Secondary Education) Perl Perl for .NET, PerlNET (ActiveState SRL.) PerlSharp (Joshua Tauberer) Pascal Component Pascal (QUT) TMT .NET Pascal Compiler (TMT) Pascal Variants Chrome (RemObjects) Delphi (Borland) Delphi.NET – interoperability tools (Marcus Schmidt) PHP PHP Sharp PHP Mono Extensions (Sterling Hughes) Phalanger IronPHP(Ross Girshick) Prolog P# (Jon Cook at Univ. of Edinburgh) Python IronPython (Jim Hugunin) KOBRA (Chetan Gadgil) Open Source Python for .NET (Mark Hammond) Python Scripting for .NET (Brian Lloyd) Python Variants boo (Python inspired syntax by Rodrigo B. de Oliveira,Georges Benatti) Ruby NetRuby (arton) Ruby/.NET Bridge (Ben Schroeder, John Pierce) RPG ASNA Visual RPG for .NET Scala Scala on Microsoft.NET (Martin Odersky, LAMP at EPFL) Scheme Common Larceny (Northeastern University) Dot-Scheme – PLT Scheme Bridge (Pedro Pinto) Bigloo (Inria Sophia-Antipolis) Hotdog (Northwestern University) Tachy (Ken Rawlings) Scheme.NET (Indiana University) Small Talk S# (SmallScript LLC) #Smalltalk (John Brant & Don Roberts) VMX Smalltalk (Robowiz Corporation) LSWVST.NET (Lesser Software) SML (Standard Meta Language) SML.NET (Microsoft Research, University of Cambridge) Spry Spry (Mark Hahn) Tcl/Tk TickleSharp (jscottb, Novell Forge) Jacl.Net (Mailframe) Does anyone actually use any of these?