Fading Roses & Raging Viruses:
Snyke wrote this terribly early in the morning:

By now the entire World has heard about AJAX, even those who don’t care about Web-Development have seen the potential of this new technology. Everybody is tired of endless introductions on how cool AJAX is and those endless lists of good examples like Google Suggest, GMail and alike, so I decided to cut a long story short and jump right into the real tutorial.

Is this tutorial any different from the others? Well yes and no, it is different in being a tutorial on how to design and build a complete site and not just some fancy little details like how to turn caching in AJAX off or how to create a fancy widget. To keep the tutorial readable, and to avoid having to implement low level functionality, I’m using the dojo toolkit, I tried prototype too and really enjoyed working with being a really nice and easy to use Library, but dojo provides much more functionality bundled with it. For both frameworks one thing is true: documentation is scarse, and I spent alot time debugging and reading posts on the newsgroups.

For debugging I suggest using Firefox Venkman and the really nice Firebug extension, which make AJAX a lot easier to understand, especially FireBug’s “Log each Request” Feature.

In this tutorial we will try to design a community portal as it has a wide range of different components that give a good overview of what is archievable with AJAX, also it should provide you with the basic tools that will help you in more complex applications.