01/06/2022 | jiangws How to auto fit row height of merged cells in Excel? (extendoffice.com) Option Explicit Public Sub AutoFitAll() Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("a1:b2")) Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("c4:d6")) Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("e1:e3")) End Sub Public Sub AutoFitMergedCells(oRange As Range) Dim tHeight As Integer Dim iPtr As Integer Dim oldWidth As Single Dim oldZZWidth As Single Dim newWidth As Single Dim newHeight As Single With Sheets("Sheet4") oldWidth = 0 For iPtr = 1 To oRange.Columns.Count oldWidth = oldWidth + .Cells(1, oRange.Column + iPtr - 1).ColumnWidth Next iPtr oldWidth = .Cells(1, oRange.Column).ColumnWidth + .Cells(1, oRange.Column + 1).ColumnWidth oRange.MergeCells = False newWidth = Len(.Cells(oRange.Row, oRange.Column).Value) oldZZWidth = .Range("ZZ1").ColumnWidth .Range("ZZ1") = Left(.Cells(oRange.Row, oRange.Column).Value, newWidth) .Range("ZZ1").WrapText = True .Columns("ZZ").ColumnWidth = oldWidth .Rows("1").EntireRow.AutoFit newHeight = .Rows("1").RowHeight / oRange.Rows.Count .Rows(CStr(oRange.Row) & ":" & CStr(oRange.Row + oRange.Rows.Count - 1)).RowHeight = newHeight oRange.MergeCells = True oRange.WrapText = True .Range("ZZ1").ClearContents .Range("ZZ1").ColumnWidth = oldZZWidth End With End Sub