リンク: WindowsDevCenter.com: Enhancing Skype.

Enhancing Skype by Wei-Meng Lee


In my last article,

I showed you how to set up Skype to make voice calls over the Internet.
While Skype allows voice communication, it is not limited to just that.
Several third-party developers have started developing extensions using
Skype APIs. In this article, I am going to share two of the many
extensions that I find indispensable. They are:

  • Festoon allows video conferencing using a webcam.
  • SAM (Skype Answering Machine) answers your incoming calls when you are not around to pick up the call.

You can check out a list of Skype extensions.

Note: When I wrote this article, Festoon was called Skype, but has since been renamed Festoon.