第1章 毎日の生活でつかうひとこと
Did the alarm clock go off?(buzz、ring)(Would you turn off the alarm clock?)
Are you awake? I am now.
Did you stay up late last night?(昨日、夜更かし「よふかし」したの?)
You were snoring last night.(I think it’s better to write as “you snored last night”)
=You were sawing logs last night.
I’m still sleepy = I’m still drowsy.
I’m still yawning.
I have a hangover.
I’m a night person.<->I’m a morning person.
I have to comb my hair.(髪の毛をとかさなくちゃ。)
何を着ようかな。(What should I wear?)
早く着替えなさい。(Hurry up and get dressed.)
パジャマをかたづけなさい。(Put those pajamas away!)
Let’s play hooky today!(今日は学校をずる休みしよう!)
セーターを裏返しに着いているよ。(You’re wearing your sweater inside out.)
上下(じょうげ)逆だよ。(It’s upside down.)
急がなくては!(I have to rush!)