25/1/2010 9:00 – 11:30

  1. come (no to) here go to church
    go (no to) home
    go for dinner go shopping
    go to the shop
  2. interest interested
    party in this dispute
    He is an interested people.
  3. sermon
    for my personal use
    or for the use of my family
  4. It will last a long time.
    My husband said that it was expensive.
  5. Bottle Tree Park
    It is a joy to meet my Christian friends.
  6. I don’t enjoy hamburgers.
    There is no enjoyment is going to hospital.
    Please open the tap(turn on)
    Please close the tap(turn off)
    You can walk above the tree tops.
  7. What are the neighbouring countries of Singapore?
    We are in South EastAsian.
    We can explore the countries of SE Asia.
    ASEAN: Associations of SE Asian Nations
    Singapore is the transport hub of SE Asia.
    the pyramids of Egypt.
  8. Bukit Timab: 534 feed
    rivers: 4 canals: not natual
    clean up