①麻雀用語。あがりの牌を間違えること。诈和。麻将牌用语,弄错了报和的牌。②うっかりしておかした失敗やミス。意外失策,无心之过。粗心大意造成的失败或错误。… Read More

Take a beat, watch your tone, and other techniques to deal with a challenging line of questioning. [PHOTO: MARK HUNT/ISTOCK] MORE LIKE THIS3 ways to design a more successful hybrid workplaceMaynard Webb: ‘Always treat everyone nicely on the way out’How to self-promote at work without coming off as full of yourselfBY STEPHANIE VOZZA4 MINUTE READ If you… Read More

月と鼈(すっぽん)■月とすっぽんほど違う be as different as day and night [as light and darkness, as chalk and cheese]あなたの邸宅と僕の家では月とすっぽんほど違う. Your residence and my house are as different as light and darkness [chalk and cheese, day and night].|There is a world of difference between your residence and my house.… Read More

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