Posted by & filed under Oral Class in Singapore.

5/1/2010 11:00-12:30

  1. hangover
    She doesn’t reveal too much about her holiday activities.
    It may be very embarrassing for her.
    woman: wig
    man: toupee
    I was inebriated on New Year’s Eve.
    She was intoxicated.
    I was exhaused and when I got home I tumbled into bed.
  2. sick: unwell
    He prescribed a herbal remedy.
    correlate correlation
  3. driving
    I stalled the engine.
    Driving is a very useful social skill.
    mental block
    habitual drinker
  4. You make a fool of yourself.
    It depends on your upbringing.
    Some of our personal traits are inherited.
    genes – DNA
    inherit inheritance
  5. You can squander a lot of money on alcohol.
    valve indicator ram
    wipe speedometer
    speed limit 120kph (kilometers per hour)
    choke ignition key
    exhaust pipe stall
    hybrid cars environmentally friendly
    fossil fuels
    They discharge Carbon monoxide.
    inert inactive
    obese obesity
    A car has become a status symbol.
    You have become upwardly mobile.
    You are going up the social ladder.
    Corporate ladder
    rungs notch

    Hard work and long hour is rungs in the ladder of success.

    cross-piece forming a step in an ladder
    pitch forked?

  6. She achieved frame over night.
    prenuptial contract
    wind up; wind down
    entry entrance enter
    portal inlet: opening to allow esp liquid to enter
    approach road
    I’m flattered.
  7. You pilot a plane.
    You fly a plan.
    You sail a boat.
    You pilot a ship.
    You steer.
  8. hood = bonnet 车盖
    boost = trunk 行李箱

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